Our team worked with a Japanese digital entertainment company to design and develop a one-of-a-kind human characteristics discovery & match application called “Lifestrat.”
Based on ancient Chinese horoscope system and the modern, western psychology’s personality archetype theories, Lifestrat visualizes your potential position, role, strength and weakness within your surrounding community (such as a company, school or family). It also shows psychological distance between you and the others, telling you how well others fit your characteristics, so that you can use the app to discover your best colleague, partner or even lover among your Facebook friends (it can also import your Facebook friends data).
Our team worked on:
- Planning
- Architecture design
- UI/UX design
- Editorial direction (including international versions such as English and Korean)
- Development of an app for iOS/Android/Web platforms
- Project management
- Supporting business development and marketing by making documents, proposals and leaflets
One of the special features of this project is the 3D design employed in the so-called “friends star map” screen of the app. Our development team built a very intricate 2D/3D effects and ported them to the Web platform using Web3D tools.
Some of the GUI design elements were rendered by a Korean designer team under our directions.
Period: from 2011 to current
Client: Comfy Zeroth Zone Inc.
Language: Japanese, English and Korean
Product website: http://lifestrat.jp
Lifestrat app in the market: iOS & Android