Kugenumakaigan channel

Kugenunakaigan channel” is a hyper-local media project collaborated with editors, designers, engineers, musicians and videographers in Shonan region. It streamed more than 200 live video programs since 2010. The principal of t.e.o.t.u. has been working together with the team since the inception of the project.

The team operates official Ustream/YouTube channels as well as their own video streaming server systems. The live broadcast team has collaborated with various local content/event producers such as Freedom Sunset.

The video team is lead by the local video production “STAGE VIDEO” and the audio production team is lead by the local multimedia studio “Alcyone Corporation.”

The Kugenunakaigan channel’s live web camera is online 24/7 at its Ustream channel.

Our team has been working on:

  1. Website architecture and implementation
  2. Editorial direction
  3. GUI design
  4. Video & audio production coordination

Period: from 2010 to current
Collaborator: Kugenunakaigan channel
Language: Japanese
Website: http://kugenumachannel.net

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