Arctica project

The principal of t.e.o.t.u. has joined the team of Arctic Society of Japan, an association of people with emotional attachment to the Arctic regions, as the technical advisor and online editor at large, collaborating for their official website called

The objective of the website is to collect and publish information about the Arctic, promote the importance of the region for the global society and spread the idea over the Internet, eventually becoming the portal for everything about the Arctic.

We decided to use WordPress to incorporate the workflow for editorial collaboration among writers, editors and journalists. Among plug-ins for the WordPress framework, we use Edit Flow for its group workflow and Encyclopedia by Dennis Hoppe for contextual glossary system.

The graphical design for the website has been co-rendered with Because.

Our team worked on:

  1. Architecture design.
  2. Server configuration and administration.
  3. GUI and Editorial design.
  4. Workflow design.

Period: from 2014 to current
Collaborator: Hokkyoku-kenjinkai (unofficial English name “Arctic Society of Japan”)
Language: Japanese


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